Nume ᆲ Halfwidth Hangul Scrisoarea Rieul-Pieup
Codificare U+FFAC
Cod HTML ᆲ ᆲ
Bloc Halfwidth and Fullwidth Forms
Versiune 1.1 (1993)
Age 1.1
În oglindă No
Bidi Paired Bracket Type None
Composition Exclusion No
Case Folding FFAC
Simple Case Folding FFAC


Codificare hex dec(bytes) dec binary
UTF-8 EF BE AC 239 190 172 15711916 11101111 10111110 10101100
UTF-16BE FF AC 255 172 65452 11111111 10101100
UTF-16LE AC FF 172 255 44287 10101100 11111111
UTF-32BE 00 00 FF AC 0 0 255 172 65452 00000000 00000000 11111111 10101100
UTF-32LE AC FF 00 00 172 255 0 0 2902392832 10101100 11111111 00000000 00000000

Unicodery 鲁ICP备2021023333号-3
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